Plastic Thermoforming Parts


Thermoforming is a manufacturing process whereby a plastic sheet is heated to a pliable forming temperature, formed to a specific shape in a mold, and trimmed to create a usable product. Auwell has rich experience in manufacturing and supplying plastic thermoforming parts to our worldwide clients.

There are two main types of forming process for plastic thermoforming parts production: vacuum forming and pressure forming. Vacuum forming uses heat and pressure to draw plastic sheets into its final configuration. Once a sheet is heated and placed over a mold, a vacuum is used to manipulate it into its desired shape. Pressure forming has many similarities to vacuum forming, but has the added benefit of additional pressure. This pressure allows for greater detail and texture, making it a solid choice when aesthetics is an issue. The most common way from Auwell plastic thermoforming parts production is vacuum forming.


Akeh panggunaan sing kasedhiya kanggo bagean termoforming plastik. Salah sawijining morecommon yaiku kemasan, utamane kemasan kaku kanggo panganan lan barang-barang konsumen, nanging akeh aplikasi liyane kalebu otomotif, mesin, instrumen medis, barang putih, perabotan, peralatan fitness lsp.

Produksi komponen termoforming plastik minangka proses sing murah regane dibandhingake karo injeksi plastik, utamane biaya perkakas, ing sawetara kasus, bisa 95% luwih murah dibandhingake cetakan injeksi plastik. Uga, kanthi bunder pangembangan sing luwih cepet. Bahan paling umum kanggo produksi komponen termoforming plastik yaiku ABS. Werna bisa dipesen sadurunge yen jumlahe pesenan memenuhi persyaratan MOQ (biasane1,000kg). Uga, plastik cet bisa uga kasedhiya, saéngga bisa nggawe kustomisasi sing akeh kanggo memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan.

Technical Specifications



-Materi Thickness

0,2mm nganti 8,0mm


-Rich Experience

More than 20 years of experience in Plastic thermoforming parts development and part production, especially to the European and North American markets, with solid understanding of the material, technical and quality standards worldwide.

-Fast Turnaround

Generally, we provide a quotation within 3 working days. Combining the latest manufacturing technologies and facilities, Auwell is able to deliver first sample in 2 weeks.

-Comprehensive Solution Provider

Auwell nyedhiyakake layanan komprehensif kanggo pambangunan bagean termoforming Plastik wiwit ngrancang, liwat prototyping, pangembangan alat / perlengkapan, sampling, produksi massal, lan dhukungan logistik lan pasca jual.

-Rigid QC Policies

The most rigorous quality policy starts from material control, and is followed through to final pre-shipment inspection for Plastic thermoforming parts orders. Materi certificates include the mill certificate, 3rd party chemical components, and mechanical property reports, as well as RoHS and REACH reports upon request. We structure our processes, creating Flow Charts and Control Plans before production, making sure all QC processes are in accordance with ISO9001-2015 requirements and drawing specifications.

-Jangka Bayaran sing Fleksibel

Kanggo perkakas, istilah pambayaran umum yaiku 50% -50%, tegese celengan 50%, 50% sawise sampel gratis gratis. Produksi formass, kita nawakake syarat pambayaran sing fleksibel, syarat kredit sing cukup bakal diwenehake, klien mung mbayar nalika seneng karo produk sing ditampa. Kanggo proyek jangka panjang, kita nawakake layanan inventaris telpon kanggo syarat pengiriman cepet.

Produk sing gegandhengan

Plastic Injection Mold for Automotive Parts
Plastic Injection Parts
Injeksi Plastik Nyalip
Karet & Moulding Silikon

The following catalogues of plastic injection parts are the ones which Auwell has produced and supplied to our distinguished worldwide clients. Please click the relevant pictures for details. Please be advised, most of the products are for demonstration purpose only.  

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