Wheelie Bin Axle Hollow with Solid Heads Stamping Assembled. The body made by tube, the 2 heads milled from solid steel bar, assembled by stamping.
This axle the body is made by steel tube and the 2 side of head is milled from steel bar. The axle heads and the body is assembled by point stamping at opposite position, the head parts pre milled with grooves, the stamping point is exactly allocated on the groove, this is to make sure the assembling is firm and stable. The advantage of this type of axle is, the axle has similar strength with the complete solid one but with lighter weight and cheaper in price.
Auwell duwe pengalaman sugih ingwheelie bin axle hollow with solid heads stamping assembledpangembangan lan produksi produk, utamane kanggo pasar Eropa lan Amerika Utara, kanthi pemahaman sing kuat babagan standar materi, teknis lan kualitas ing saindenging jagad.
Umume, kita nyedhiyakake kutipan kanggoporos bin roda rodha kothong kanthi stamping sirah padhet dipasanging 3 dina kerja. Nggabungke teknologi lan fasilitas manufaktur paling anyar, Auwell bisa nyedhiyakake cetakan 3D kanthi cepetporos bin roda rodha kothong kanthi stamping sirah padhet dipasangprototipe mung seminggu kanggo proyek sederhana.
Auwell provides comprehensive services for poros bin roda rodha kothong kanthi stamping sirah padhet dipasangpangembangan produk diwiwiti saka ngrancang, liwat prototipe, pangembangan alat / perlengkapan, sampling, produksi massal, lan dhukungan logistik lan pasca jual.
Kanggo kabehporos bin roda rodha kothong kanthi stamping sirah padhet dipasang products, Auwell utilizes optimized manufacturing process to ensure the product quality at reasonable and competitive prices. Auwell offers customized branding, color scheme and package solution upon requests
The most rigorous quality policy starts from material control, and is followed through to final pre-shipment inspection for our poros bin roda rodha kothong kanthi stamping sirah padhet dipasangpabrik produk. Sertifikat materi kalebu sertifikat pabrik, komponen kimia pihak katelu, lan laporan properti mekanik, uga laporan RoHS lan REACH sing dijaluk. Laporan liyane kalebu inspeksi dimensi, kekandelan perawatan lumahing, lan laporan tes kabut uyah, lsp. Kita nyusun proses, nggawe Grafik Aliran lan Rencana Kontrol sadurunge produksi, priksa manawa kabeh proses QC sesuai karo persyaratan ISO9001-2015 lan spesifikasi gambar.
Kanggo produksi massal, kita nawakake syarat pambayaran sing fleksibel kanggoporos bin roda rodha kothong kanthi stamping sirah padhet dipasangpesenan, syarat kredit cukup bakal diwenehake, klien mung mbayar yen seneng karoporos bin roda rodha kothong kanthi stamping sirah padhet dipasang they received. For long-term projects, we offer call-off inventory services for fast delivery requirements.