Minangka pangembang lan pabrik alat atap sing komprehensif, Auwell duwe pengalaman akeh nalika nggunakake proses sing dioptimalake kanggo ngasilake produk berkualitas kanthi rega kompetitif.
Auwell miwiti pangembangan Roofing Tools ing taun 2008 kanthi njaluk klien Amerika Utara kita. Nganti saiki, kita wis nggawe shovel shingle, dock tangga, krenjang atap lan jangkar gendheng lsp. Luwih saka 20 barang sing beda. Kabeh Piranti Roofing sing dikembangake duwe fitur unik dibandhingake karo sing ana ing pasar.
Auwell has a strong R&D team to work with our clients for Roofing Tools development. Our knowledgeable and experienced roofing tools distributors give us sketch or simply ideas specifying the roofing tools they want, our engineers make the concept drawings for confirmation, then move to engineering design for meeting functional requirements, including OSHA guidelines if the roofing tools is safety related. Prototype will be made after drawing confirmation for conducting series of lab test, also onsite trial for product performance and market potential evaluation.
Auwell nawakake layanan prototipe pencetakan 3D kanthi cepet, minangka kaluwihan kompetitif mutlak kanggo menehi saran penting kanggo para klien kanggo ngoptimalake desain alat atap sing bakal diprodhuksi kanthi kinerja sing paling apik. Proses manufaktur sing bener penting kanggo njamin alat atap digawe kanthi kualitas super larang kanthi biaya sing efektif. Nganti saiki, kanggo alat atap, kita nggabungake forging, casting investasi, stamping, mesin, injeksi plastik, las, lapisan bubuk, pelapis seng, proses galvanisasi kanggo nyukupi persyaratan manufaktur sing beda-beda.
Auwell duwe sumber daya mitra manufaktur sing akeh. Kanthi nggunakake teknologi lan pamrograman sing dioptimalake, produk alat atap kita wis kabukten kualitas kanthi rega sing terjangkau.
Proses pangembangan produk alat atap kaya ing ngisor iki:
-Spesifikasi pelanggan
-Sinau kelayakan
-Concept drawing for approval
-Gambar insinyur kanggo disetujoni
-Patent application (if applicable)
-Pricing and confirmation
-Tes laboratorium lan tes ing lokasi
-Market evaluation
-Alat lan sampling
-Mass production
-Logistic and distribution
-Layanan post sale kalebu perbaikan produk
Kanggo mantanisting roofing tools products, we are able to offer the products with clients’ brand name, trade mark and color scheme (except the tools with patent protection). Distributors that are interested in new roofing tools development, you are welcome to contact us for details.
-Rich Experience
Luwih saka 10 taun pengalaman produksi Ladder Dock, utamane menyang pasar Amerika Utara, kanthi pangerten sing kuat babagan pangarep-arep pangguna pungkasan ing fungsi lan kualitas.
-Cepet Nguripake
Kanggo mantanisting clients with confirmed brand, trade mark and package, 45 days lead time after getting order. For custom branded products, 60 days of delivery time.
-Comprehensive Solution Provider
Auwell nyedhiyakake layanan lengkap kanggo desain produk atap lan desain wiwitan, liwat prototyping, pangembangan alat / perlengkapan, sampling, produksi massal, lan dhukungan logistik lan pasca jual.
-Kebijakan QC Kaku
The most rigorous quality policy starts from material control, and is followed through to final pre-shipment inspection. Material certificates include the mill certificate, 3rd party chemical components, and mechanical property reports, as well as RoHS and REACH reports upon request. We structure our processes, creating Flow Charts and Control Plans before production, making sure all QC processes are in accordance with ISO9001-2015 requirements and drawing specifications.
-Jangka Bayaran sing Fleksibel
Auwell offers flexible and favorable payment terms, reasonable credit terms will be given, the client only pays when they are happy with the product they received. For long-term projects, we offer call-off inventory services for fast delivery requirements.
Produk sing gegandhengan