Plastic Injection Overmolding is the injection molding process where one material (usually a TPE) is molded onto a second material (typically a rigid plastic). If properly selected, the overmolded TPE will form a strong bond with the plastic that is maintained in the end-use environment. The use of primers or adhesives is no longer required to achieve an optimum bond between the two materials.
Plastic Injection Overmolding can be used to enhance many features of product designs, including
-Vibration damping
-Tambah ing tingkat kenyamanan
-Segel tahan banyu
-Sound absorption
-Isolasi listrik
Two injection molding processes dominate the manufacture of Plastic Injection Overmolding: insert molding and multi-shot injection molding.
-Insert Molding
Proses paling umum kanggo Overmolding Injeksi Plastik yaiku nyetak cetakan, ing endi pre-moldedinsert dilebokake ing cetakan lan TPE langsung ditembak. Keuntungan cetakan insert yaiku mesin IM shot tunggal konvensional sing bisa digunakake (pangeluaran mesin anyar ora perlu), lan biaya perkakas sing ana gandhengane karo cetakan insert luwih murah tinimbang proses multi-shot.
-Moulding Bahan Multiple
Multiple material, uga dikenal minangka proses nembus Injeksi Plastik rong tembakan (utawa multi-shot), cetakan mbutuhake cetakan injeksi khusus mesin sing dilengkapi rong utawa luwih laras, saengga bisa ditrapake rong bahan (utawa luwih) menyang cetakan sing padha sajrone siklus cetakan padha. A molderwill milih cetakan multi-shot kanggo nyuda kaping siklus, entuk kualitas bagean sing unggul lan nyuda biaya tenaga kerja.
For Plastic Injection Overmolding process selection, in general, insert molding is the process of choice when annual production volumes and local labor costs are low. For higher volume production programs (over 250,000 units annually) or areas with increased labor costs, multi-shot molding operations are the method of choice.
Auwell nawakake cetakan insert uga proses injeksi plastik multi materi kanggo pilihan klien.
-Pengalaman Sugih
Luwih saka 20 taun pengalaman injeksi Plastik pangembangan lan produksi produk tambahan, utamane kanggo pasar Eropa lan Amerika Utara, kanthi pemahaman sing kuat babagan standar materi, teknis lan kualitas ing saindenging jagad.
-Cepet Nguripake
Umume, kita nyedhiyakake akuotasi sajrone 3 dina kerja. Nggabungake teknologi manufaktur lan fasilitas paling anyar, Auwell bisa ngirim sampel pertama sajrone 6 minggu.
-Panyedhiya Solusi Komprehensif
Auwell nyedhiyakake layanan komprehensif kanggo proyek Injeksi Plastik Injeksi wiwit diwiwiti saka desain, liwat prototyping, pangembangan alat / perlengkapan, sampling, produksi massal, lan dhukungan logistik lan pasca jual.
-Rigid QC Policies
Kualitaspolicy sing paling ketat diwiwiti saka kontrol material, lan banjur ditindakake nganti inspeksi pangiriman pungkasan kanggo pesenan Injeksi Plastik. Sertifikat bahan kalebu sertifikat pabrik, komponen kimia pihak katelu, laporan properti mekanik, uga laporan RoHS lan REACH sing dijaluk. Westrukturisasi proses kita, nggawe Chart Flow lan Plans Kontrol produksi, priksa manawa kabeh proses QC sesuai karo ISO9001-2015kebutuhan lan spesifikasi nggambar.
-Jangka Bayaran sing Fleksibel
For tooling, the general payment term is 50%-50%, meant 50% deposit, 50% after first sample free. For mass production, we offer flexible payment terms, reasonable credit terms will be given, the client only pays when they are happy with the product they received. For long-term projects, we offer call-off inventory services for fast delivery requirements.
Katalog katrangan babagan bagean injeksi plastik sing digawe karo Auwell lan diwenehake kanggo para pelanggan dunya sing misuwur. Klik gambar sing cocog kanggo rincian. Elingi, umume produk mung kanggo demonstrasi.
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