Troli Pintu Nggeser Tugas abot

Troli Pintu Nggeser Tugas abot

Pabrik Trolley Sliding Door Heavy Duty Heavy kanggo pasar Amerika Serikat, Eropa lan Austria

Kirim Pitakonan

Deskripsi Produk

There are lots of different kinds of Heavy Duty Sliding Door Trolley (Carriage) available on market, especially those standard one for residential uses. However, for heavy duty Heavy Duty Sliding Door Trolley for commercial application like big hall door, grass door and some other special doors, Heavy Duty Sliding Door Trolley and the rail profile needs to be designed and custom developed to meet the requirements. Auwell is obviously the right candidate for OEM Heavy Duty Sliding Door Trolley development.

Tim teknis Auwell nduweni pengalaman sing apik ing desain lan pangembangan Sliding DoorTrolley Heavy Duty, yen wis duwe konsep produk, syarat lan dimensi fungsional, kita bisa nawakake desain sajrone seminggu kanggo klien, banjur pindhah menyang prototype lan tooling, sampling lan produksi .

Ing ngisor iki minangka 2 troli lawang geser tugas sing abot Auwell we dikembangake kanggo Amerika Serikat (sisih kiwa siji) lan Australia (sisih tengen siji), yaiku siji kanggo pasar Australia, kanggo memenuhi syarat perlindungan karat ing segara kanthi stainless steel kelas laut 316 kanggo kabeh komponen, kalebu bantalan kabeh digawe kanthi 316 stainless steel, materi nilon PA66 kanggo rodha, loro-lorone bantalan sing disegel kanggo nglindhungi bledug sing apik banget, saben abot Duty Sliding Door Trolley duwe kapasitas mbukak 300kg. Sisih kiwa siji kanggo klien USA, diameteripun rodha 60mm (2,36â €) lan kapasitas mbukak kanggo saben set troli tekan 1.000kg (2.200 pon).


Spesifikasi Teknis

- Material: High grade carbon steel, bearing steel, 304, 316 stainless steel

-Lumahing: dilapisi seng, blanc utawa miturut panjaluk.

-Bobot: Kasedhiya miturut panjaluk

- Product dimensions: Available upon request

- Package information: upon request



-Pengalaman Sugih

Luwih saka 10 taun pengalamane pangembangan Trolley Sliding Door Trolley lan produksi utamane ing pasar Amerika Utara, kanthi pangerten sing kuat tumrap pangarep-arep panggunaan fungsi lan kualitas.

- Fast Turnaround

Kanggo klien sing wis ana konfirmasi merek, tandha dagang lan paket, 45 dina lead time sawise entuk pesenan. Kanggo produk merek khusus, 60 dina wektu pangiriman.

- Comprehensive Solution Provider

Auwell nyedhiyakake layanan lengkap kanggo desain lan pangembangan Trolley Sliding Door Heavy Duty wiwit ngrancang, liwat prototipe, perkakas / perlengkapan, sampling, produksi massal, lan dhukungan logistik lan pasca jual.

-Kebijakan QC Kaku

The most rigorous quality policy starts from material control, and is followed through to final pre-shipment inspection for Heavy Duty Sliding Door Trolley orders. Material certificates include the mill certificate, 3rd party chemical components, and mechanical property reports, as well as RoHS and REACH reports upon request. We structure our processes, creating Flow Charts and Control Plans before production, making sure all QC processes are in accordance with ISO9001-2015 requirements and drawing specifications.

-Jangka Bayaran sing Fleksibel

Auwell offers flexible and favorable payment terms, reasonable credit terms will be given, the client only pays when they are happy with the product they received. For long-term projects, we offer call-off inventory services for fast delivery requirements.

Hot Tags: Troli Pintu Sliding Duty Heavy, Produsen, Suplier, Pabrik, Disesuaikan, Digawe ing China, China

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