Sheet Metal Fabrication


Sheet metal fabrication is the process of forming and producing parts from a metal sheet. Sheet metal fabrication processes produce highly durable components well-suited for both functional prototypes and end-use production. Our custom sheet metal services offer a cost-effective and on-demand solution for your manufacturing needs. Fabrication services range from low-volume prototyping to high-volume production runs with significant cost savings.

Proses kasebut biasane kalebu 4 langkah - nglereni, mbentuk, ngrakit, lan perawatan permukaan.

-Proses Nglereni

We offer various cutting options with thickness ranged from 1mm to 150mm, this includes oxygen cutting with a maximum thickness capacity of 150mm for carbon steel. We also offer plasma cutting, laser cutting, water jet cutting, wire cutting, shearing, and/or die-cutting, we may also use punching for holes. Laser cutting is the preferred option for cutting sheets, it’s speed and precision guarantees spectacular results. With thicker materials, plasma cutting may be favorable for it’s speed. This method is normally used when the material thickness is over 10mm.

-Proses Pembentukan

The forming process typically includes bending, hydraulic press forming with die, punching, and milling. The nature of the parts’ design determines the method used. Deburring is an essential procedure before welding and assembling.


Kanggo pabrikan logam sheet, proses utama assembling yaiku welding. Jadwal kudu dirancang sadurunge lan digawe kanggo njamin produktanpa distorsi sawise ngelas. Sawetara wilayah mbutuhake panggilingan sawise dirakit. Alat pangukur tes wis dikembangake kanggo pamriksa kualitas, supaya fungsionalitas lengkap kanggo produk.

-Surface Treatment

The normal surface treatment process for sheet metal fabrication products include electrophoresis (KTL), powder coating, painting, and zinc plating. For large products like chassis, painting is widely used whereas for middle size parts, the KTL process is preferred. 

For all surface treatment, we offer coating adhesion, thickness, and salt fog tests or, other tests to be conducted upon request.

Anodizing kasedhiya karo bahan aluminium.

Technical Specifications


Mild steel, stainless steel, copper, brass, aluminum, and alloy steel.

-Machine capacity

Mesin press hidrolik 1,200 ton, mesin stamping 800 ton, kekandelan nglereni bahan nganti 150mm kanggo nglereni oksigen, 60mm kanggo nglereni plasma, lan 25mm kanggo nglereni laser. Ukuran bagean maksimal: 2.000 * 1.500mm

-Spesifikasi liyane

Bisa ngrancang lan ngembangake alat sing dibutuhake kanggo pabrikan logam sheet kalebu nggawe mati, perlengkapan kanggo las, lan pengukur tes kanggo produksi massal QC. CMM kasedhiya kanggo conto conto inspeksi. Perawatan permukaan kalebu KTL, lapisan bubuk, lukisan (Walspar), lan pelapis seng. Dokumen PPAP kasedhiya yen dijaluk.


-Rich Experience

Luwih saka 20 taun pengalaman ing produksi lan produksi produk pabrikan logam, utamane kanggo pasar Eropa lan Amerika Utara, kanthi pangerten babagan standar materi, teknis lan kualitas ing saindenging jagad.

-Cepet Nguripake

Generally, we provide a quotation within 3 working days. Combining the latest manufacturing technologies and facilities, Auwell can provide fast prototypes in just 2 weeks for simple projects.

-Panyedhiya Solusi Komprehensif

Auwell nyedhiyakake layanan lengkap kanggo proyek pabrikan logam wiwit saka ngrancang, liwat prototipe, pangembangan alat / perlengkapan, sampling, produksi massal, lan dhukungan logistik lan pasca jual.

-Rigid QC Policies

The most rigorous quality policy starts from material control, and is followed through to final pre-shipment inspection. 

Sertifikat materi kalebu sertifikat pabrik, komponen kimia pihak katelu, lan laporan properti mekanik, uga laporan RoHS lan REACH sing dijaluk. Laporan liyane kalebu laporan dimensi, kekandelan perawatan permukaan, lan laporan tes kabut uyah, lsp. Kita nyusun proses, nggawe Grafik Aliran lan Rencana Kontrol sadurunge produksi, priksa manawa kabeh proses QC sesuai karo persyaratan ISO9001-2015 lan spesifikasi gambar.

-Flexible Payment Term

Tooling payments need to be pre-paid. For mass production, we offer flexible payment terms, reasonable credit terms willdiwenehi, klien mung mbayar nalika seneng karo produk sing ditampa. Kanggo proyek jangka panjang, kita nawakake layanan inventaris telpon kanggo syarat pangiriman cepet.


Produk pabrikan logam lembar wis digunakake ing meh kabeh sektor industri kalebu:

-Aeroangkasa lan pertahanan


-Mesin Pertanian






-Consumer Products

Katalog produk pabrikan logam sheet ing ngisor iki minangka sing diprodhuksi lan diwenehake dening Auwell kanggo para klien terkenal ing saindenging jagad. Klik gambar sing cocog kanggo rincian. Perlu dingerteni, umume produk kanggo nduduhake tujuan kemampuan manufaktur mung.

Bagian OEM Otomatis
Otomotif Adjustable Torsion Bar
Bagian OEM Pertanian
Braket Mirror
Expending Barrier Sets
Pengawal Proteksi Kacilakan;
Gutter Bracket and Leaf Filter
Pipe Holder
Saklar Kabinet Daya
Garment Racking Parts
Wheelie Bin Axle
Furniture Parts

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Minangka produsen {kata kunci} lan pemasok {kata kunci) profesional China, kita nyedhiyakake layanan manajemen proyek kanthi lengkap kanggo para pelanggan. Pabrik kita uga nyedhiyakake layanan kanggo ngembangake produk ODM / paten, saka konsep nganti desain, prototipe, perkakas lan produksi massal. Sugeng rawuh kanggo tuku {kata kunci} khusus sing digawe ing China saka Auwell. Yen sampeyan pengin ngerti luwih lengkap, hubungi kami.
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